A tree cannot die when it is still connected to its roots. Our ancestors are the roots, that connects us to our soul selves.
Religion will bind you to an external deliverance story. Your ancestors will connect you to your original spiritual reality.

I can confirm my parents made me; I can confirm my ancestral parents are also part of me. I know if I am connected to my ancestral roots, I cannot die.
Belief is good; however, it is based on hope. I am not taking a risk, because I have been encouraged to not believe in myself.
Many people have cried that they did trust themselves, to live their authentic life.
Many may need your help, however, its not crime to help yourself.
Your ancestors are waiting for you to connect to your family army spiritual strength, they want to help you fight and protect you in this world.
These are conceptual ideas taken from our Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced Know Thy Self Courses. If you would like to enjoy more in depth breakdowns of this topic and many others, please check out our courses page on this website.
Visit Ancestralessence.com for details.
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