The bigger the lie the easier it is to believed. As we survive by creating better day fantasies we no longer appreciate how much control of our lives has been taken away in the name of progress and security.
Protecting of our way of life is great if you feel like you fit in, however, many of us have to shrink who we are to fit into a place we have not been made to feel welcome.
When your intelligence is not required and only your obedience is respected, it is easy to see why we feel so drained as a result of playing this game.
When you become a rebel for just thinking for yourself, the saying can we all just get along often translate to, can you just be quiet, let us shine and just do as you are told.
The wicked are unfortunately reigning, as we now seek permission from those who stole their position. Morality is now prescribed by those who have committed the worse crimes against mankind.
God never made the concept of money, man did and such people require you to change who you are as well as worship them, before you are deemed worthy to receive it.
This reality design started at the beginning of time, when you appreciate that the 7-day week is a belief system created by religion.
As you awake and then open your eyes each morning, your first action is to quickly search for the time, so you can unthinkingly mentally clock back into the matrix.
The war on the mind began when you were a child. We were given a skin colour, a class status, a gender bias, a religion and a in fear of authority complex.
The labellers became our handlers as we had no need to doubt all the lies they told us as they stole our identity and our history from right under our noses.
A fair and balanced playing field was never part of any plan, to destroy the child identity confidence would maintain that the reality designers stay in control.
The greatest theft of all is when you want praise for a history your ancestors did not make.
These are conceptual ideas taken from our Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced Know Thy Self Courses. If you would like to enjoy more in-depth breakdowns of this topic and many others, please check out our courses page on this website.
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